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【英文名称】Tribulus terrestris P.E.

【拉丁名称】Tribulas Terrestris

【植物来源】蒺藜科蒺藜 Tribulus terrestis 的成熟干燥果实

【有效成分】总皂甙 40% 70% ;呋甾皂甙 40%

【性 状】棕色粉末


【药理作用】研究表明蒺藜提取物能刺激睾丸分泌雄性荷尔蒙睾丸激素,对阳痿,性欲降低和精子含量低下等有治愈能力。也曾作为草药被广泛利用为利尿剂和驱除绞痛。除此之外,其还有增进肌肉强壮, 降低胆固醇, 减轻结石疾病和泌尿系统紊乱等功效。

【包 装】按客户要求或内用双层塑料袋,外用铝箔袋,1公斤/袋或纸板桶(25公斤/桶)

Product name Tribulus terrestris P.E

Latin name Tribulas Terrestris

Product source Dry mature fruit of Tribulas terrestris

Specifications Saponins 40% 70% ;Franosterols 40%

Analytical Method UV

Appearance Brown powder

Particle size 80 Mesh

Function The recent research shows that the Tribulus terrestris P.E. can irritate the testis to secrete male-hormone which can cure impotence, lack of sexual desire and little sperm containing. The Tribulus terrestris P.E. is used as medicinal herbs to cure diuresis and relieve pain. And it also can enhance muscle, reduce cholesterol, relieve calculus, and control the disordered uroloqical system.

Heavy metals max 10PPM

Loss On Drying ≤5.0%

Pesticides ≤2PPM

Microbiological Control Total plate count: 1000CFU/g

E. Coil: Negative

Salmonella: Negative

Yeast & Mold: 100CFU/g

Storage Store in cool & dry place. Keep away from strong light and heat.

Packing 25 kg / drum, each piece is packed in a double polybag, then in a carton.

Shelf life 2 years when properly stored

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[ 联系方式 ]
icon 公司名称 西安康培基生物科技有限公司
icon 街道地址 陕西 西安 西安市含光北路33号文华商务大厦A208 710086
icon 电话号码 86 - 029 - 85456576
icon 传真号码 86 - 029 - 85456576
icon 公司网址 www.kpc-cn.com
icon 联系人 赵凤玲 / 业务员

电话:86-029-85456576 传真:86-029-85456576